In numerology, the number seven is deemed to be associated with spirituality. The number divides the material and spiritual realms where you align with the higher self detached from the physical world. The number seven represents the gateway to the subtle world of intuition and imagination. Intuition is only sometimes accurate, and fantasies can create a world where random, illogical decisions are made. Seven number is looked at with skepticism. What you observe is not what you are getting. It could signify the suppressed emotions and passions shackled deep within you.
The spade suit in tarot reading symbolizes air elements depicting flowing communication, knowledge, and thoughtfulness. Words are an expression of thoughts and can be misunderstood at times. While expressing your feelings and emotions, try to be honest; to be candid needs courage and life lessons. It needs clarity to express your deepest emotions and feelings to others. The interpretation of the number seven in cartomancy is identical to the analysis of the seven swords in tarot reading. Number seven in cartomancy depicts ill advice given to the querier. To give proper advice, one needs to take a step back and be unbiased.
If seven swords appear in a free online tarot card reading, it depicts unfaithfulness and deception. You might be running away from something that is haunting you, trying to bury it inside. If fortunate, you can keep it secret for a long. Otherwise, it might spill out, causing shame and embarrassment to you. Be aware if you use treachery over others, it could backfire and exposé you. Alternatively, you could be a victim of the deception of a loved one; the person is not honest with you. The person you trust is not worthy of it and running their own agenda for profit. Turn to your intuition when you feel something, or someone is not showing their true color.
On a positive note, seven swords suggest you must deploy some strategy in your actions. Concentrate on tasks that bring you closer to the goals and avoid making compulsive decisions or working on many frontiers. Seven of swords also suggest you must adopt a strategic approach to achieve your goals rather than taking straightforward steps. Sometimes you must put yourself first, then others, even if others judge you for those actions. Seven swords appear to reverse in free online tarot card reading. It shows a lack of self-confidence, where you doubt your capabilities. This uncertainty could jeopardize many aspects of life trust yourself, and success will kiss you.
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